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Monday, September 21, 2009

The Perfect Cup

There is a company in the UK that makes the perfect drinking cup for your morning cuppa. Dunoon.

I love a real french Limoges porcelain tea cup to drink out of - don't get me wrong - but when it comes to pouring something really hot into it you must be very careful or it will crack. Our grandmothers knew you had to take a small amount of hot water and swirl it rapidly in the cup or pot before filling it to prevent this. It can be really really tricky.

So on the days you don't feel up to this challenge or you just can't go for the price of expensive porcelain thats when you turn to these guys. Dunoon uses porcelain that is double and sometimes triple fired porcelain so you can add boiling water straight into the cup without danger. The reason you want porcelain is because there is something about it that makes the drink seem brighter and crisper than with other materials. The thinner the porcelain the more pronouced this experience is.

Dunoon can be found here in the US by vendors that specialize in imported teas or tea cups and coffee mugs. I got hooked on them for their artistry when I was vacationing in the UK and fell in love with their wonderful selections. They do beautiful floral designs as well as historical and furry themed motifs. They run about 10 pounds UK each, which is about $16 US dollars at the time of this writing. They will last you forever, are beautiful and light to the touch!

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