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Friday, August 28, 2009

Bond no. 9 Perfume Samples

OK, I have to say that I haven't had this much fun playing since I was a child with my Barbies. Hip, amazing Bond no. 9 scents are to perfumes what Jimmy Choos are to shoes. And the creator, Laurice Rahme, has a marvelous way to tempt you into trying them!

The samples, available via mail for a small fee or free at the perfume counters, are wrapped up like Brach taffy candies in brightly colored foil wrappers and generous sample vials. For hours and hours of endless entertainment you can play with these samples until you find one that suits your fancy and won't end up sitting unused on your boudoir table.

Until now, these savvy perfumes have only been titled after significant New York landmarks but they have just launched a new set of his and hers named after the famous department store in London, so old it's name appears in Jane Austin novels, Harrods. (These samples can only be attained in the US at this time via the New York stores.)

My personal favorite so far is the delicately scented Chinatown. I also love the Coney Island and Fire Island for summer & Saks Fifth Ave. For Her for winter.

Release your inner diva and inner child at the same time!

1 comment:

  1. Love that photo. Clever packaging is always a delight. Makes me want a toffee though.
